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 CER Summit

Second Annual National Leadership Summit on CER Priorities, Methods, and Policy:

Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities in Using CER to Improve Evidence Generation and Care for Cardiovascular Disease

The Second Annual National Leadership Summit on Comparative Effectiveness Research Priorities, Methods and Policy will bring together leading experts and stakeholders in cardiovascular disease and comparative effectiveness research (CER) to identify the challenges and explore the opportunities to use CER to improve evidence generation and translation in the realm of cardiovascular disease.  Meeting proceedings are intended to provide input to the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) and other CER organizations as they determine how to implement CER principles and methods and translate them into large research portfolios and programs.  To facilitate this discussion, sessions will highlight current and emerging issues in the investigation, diagnosis, treatment and payment issues related to cardiovascular care and CER.  Sessions are designed to be highly interactive, with each comprised of a cross section of stakeholder points of view—researchers, patients, clinicians, payers, regulators, and policymakers.  Breakout sessions will foster discussion by smaller groups on a range of specialized topics.  
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